This is an almost finished board. Click for large version.
The main board is pretty straight forward. Just put the parts where they are supposed to be ;)
Only pitfall is 2 things -
1 - If you've got the PN5179 then they have to stand like they have to go the bathroom.
2 - The connectors for the ribbon cable has to be mounted on the backside! This is extremley important.
Cross-legged PN5179.
Mounting the LED on the touch strip
LED is 1.8mm.
Cut off legs, so when you bend them they don't extend off the pads. And place the LED in the hole.
Short leg to the right! Long leg to the left!
Bend the first LEG down to pad (See how this is done in the next couple of pictures), and solder it.
Bending the second leg - Use a flat screwdriver close to the base of the lead, and turn it downwards. Be carefull to not use too much force, as this will break the LED.
Make sure the leg is as horisontal as possible, move pressure point a bit outwards. Yet again, be gentle.
When the leg is horisontal to the board, place the screwdriver about halfway out on the lead and push at an angle towards the LED. You want the lead to go as close the the LED as possible.
From profile it should look like this. Though it's a good idea to re-heat the pad to the right and push it down a bit further. You'll want this to be as flat as possible.
Front. Looks nice!
Cutting the ribbon cable
Tape the ribbon cable to the touch strip PCB. The PCB is used as a ruler. (Bonus foot!)
Make markings on the ribbon cable at every pad.
Cut the cable at the markings. Cut and then pull the cable to the left, that way you don't have to cut through all the cables at every point.